Iraqi Shrak is a type of pastry prepared by the Iraqis and sold in abundance in pastry shops, and it is one of the side foods that are not included in the main meals.

Iraqis drink Jerk in the afternoon with tea, and sometimes it is eaten in the morning and on some religious occasions it is served to the public and neighbors with a plate of sweet starch.

Ingredients or ingredients - 4 cups of flour with half a cup of sugar and five tablespoons of oil in addition to a pinch of salt, a spoon of vanilla and another packet of pack powder, and we need in the ingredients also a spoonful of yeast and a cup and a half of liquid milk.

Sometimes it is filled with dates or delight, and sesame is added for beauty

In cooperation with the Hum hum channel for Iraqi and Arab food, we offer you the way to work in the following video:

How to prepare a dish (Iraqi Shrak ) Of the pastries

Saturday, September 12, 2020

Ingredients - 2 cups flour 3 tablespoons warm water 1 tablespoon baking powder 1 tablespoon baking soda 1 tablespoon salt 3 tablespoons oil + shaping oil 2 cups of thick sorbet 4 tablespoon ghee

Steps - Mix all the dry ingredients and stir together, then add the oil and water and knead well until you get a soft and cohesive dough that is covered and left to rest in a warm place for a period of six years or more. The dough is made into the largest number of pieces.

 The piece is spread out on the greased surface with oil to the maximum possible degree.

 A little margarine is distributed on the surface of the dough and applied (a little butter is added with each application) until it is applied in a square shape and left to rest for half an hour. 

Step 6 and 7 repeat with all sections The rest of the sample is stacked with the squares in the tray and the dough is stacked with a tray and enters the oven.

Another way to prepare it is in the video

How to prepare a dish ( al kahee ) Morning breakfast pastries

Friday, September 11, 2020

We wash the materials, we wash the head first from the blood, then using a strong flame you burn the remnants of the wool and hair,
 then with a knife to remove them and return we put them on the fire and repeat the process until we get rid of all the hair and the excess wool Cut the head longitudinally in the middle so that we can clean 
the nose We go back clean the large intestine by cutting it Forgotten pieces and push the abundant water inside it to get all the dirt out and wash the mucous material well by hand and it is easy with the prepared fillers. 
The filling is two-thirds of rice, one-third of minced meat, garlic, salt, pepper and spice as desired ... and cooked over the fire half cooked
We leave it to cool down after the filling has cooled. We start with the filling, and we start with the filling as if you are filling a tube. Cooking for the head and feet, warm it up a little,
 i.e. the head and arms, with onions, garlic, hard sleep, and the spices on the fire, put hot water for boiling and after boiling it well, reduce the fire and cook on a low heat until the method of presentation is cooked.
 Cut the bread in a dish as desired and soak it with boiling water and put the ingredients on it after it Cook and pour baga water over it, minced meat on top, and serve

How to prepare a dish ( bacha iraqia maslawya ) Lamb parts

Thursday, September 10, 2020
Ham is one of the go-to dishes for enormous family festivities and occasions in the U.S. Yet, you needn't bother with an extraordinary event to attempt another method for cooking ham. Here are a few depictions and assortments of ham and a little about how every one ended up famous. 

Matured Hams 

These are vigorously relieved, smoked hams that have been hung to age from one to seven (yes seven!) years. They are canvassed in a shape which must be scratched and washed off preceding eating. 

Bayonne Ham 

This French ham hails from Bearn or the Basque district, most basically restored with Bayonne salt. These are crude, uncooked hams. Devotees appreciate crude cuts on buttered laborer bread. 

Brackish water Cured 

The meat is absorbed brackish water and after that smoked. This is the most widely recognized assortment at standard supermarkets. They can change broadly in quality. 

Canadian Bacon 

A lean cut taken from eye of the loin of the center back. It is precooked smoked meat. It is significantly more similar to ham than to bacon. Additionally alluded to as back bacon in a few territories. 

Canned Ham 

Can comprise of an entire bit of meat or odds and ends squeezed together into a frame and combined with a gelatin blend. 

Nation Cured 

Swines are for the most part encouraged on nuts and organic product to create a more tasty and delicate meat. Must be restored, matured and dried no less than 70 days. They are normally dry-relieved in salt, at that point smoked over fragrant hardwoods and matured no less than a half year. 

The meat might be drier, contingent upon the length of maturing. A shape will in all likelihood frame, which is just scratched and washed away. Otherwise called nation style ham. These are likewise called "old hams" in Kentucky. Most nation relieved hams are uncooked and should be cooked utilizing an exceptional procedure. 


This Italian ham is relieved and absorbed wine amid maturing. 

It is lean and blushing red, with a perfect, sensitive flavor. A famous part of appetizer platters. 

Restored Ham 

Pork which has experienced and of an assortment of relieving procedures to protect the meat. 

Dry Curing 

The whole surface of the meat is altogether secured with salt and after that put away until the point when the salt saturates the meat, consequently saving it. 

Completely Cooked 

Keeping in mind the end goal to be considered completely cooked, a ham must be warmed to an inside temperature of 148 degrees Fahrenheit or above. Need not be warmed preceding serving. Can be eaten ideal from the wrapper or warmed to an inward temperature of 130 degrees F. to discharge a more extravagant flavor. 


From an Old Northern French word "Gambe" for rear leg of the pig or ham; prominent in Great Britain. 

Infusion Curing 

The way toward infusing brackish water into the meat. This strategy may likewise be joined with other relieving methods. 

Irish Ham 

Belfast is well known for their cured or brined hams, however what gives them their own one of a kind flavor is the way toward smoking over peat fires. Like nation relieved hams, they should be splashed, scoured, stewed and after that prepared before eating. 

Excursion Ham 

Meat from the upper piece of the foreleg of the hoard, including a segment of the shoulder. 

It's anything but a genuine ham, however a more affordable substitute for consistent ham, albeit less delicate in surface. It is additionally alluded to as outing shoulder or pork bear. They can be crisp or smoked. Smoked excursion hams are fundamentally the same as conventional hams. 

Prosciutto (Italian ham) 

The meat is prepared, salt-restored, and air-dried. It isn't smoked. The meat is squeezed into a thick, firm surface. Parma ham is genuine prosciutto. Different assortments are currently made in the U.S. 

Italian prosciuttos incorporate prosciutto cotto (cooked) and prosciutto crudo (uncooked, yet restored and prepared to eat). Others are named for the locale in Italy in which they were made. Prosciutto is for the most part eaten as-is or included amid the last cooking stages. Expanded cooking of prosciutto toughens the meat. 

Scotch Ham 

Once made in Scotland, this term presently alludes to uncooked, boneless, somewhat restored hams sold in housings. 

York Ham 

From England, this gentle seasoned ham has sensitive pink meat and must be cooked like nation restored ham before eating. It is generally presented with Madeira sauce.

Smithfield Ham 

An assortment of nation restored ham made in Smithfield, Virginia. It is covered with salt, sodium nitrate, and sugar, refrigerated for five days, salted once more, refrigerated again for multi day per pound of meat, washed, refrigerated for an additional two weeks, smoked for ten days, and after that matured six to a year. 

So as to be marked a Smithfield, the ham must be restored in the portrayed way inside the city of Smithfield, VA. The meat is dark red in shading, dry, with a sharp flavor. Thought about a gourmet's decision, they are fairly costly and should be cooked long and moderate before eating. 

Sweet-Pickle Curing 

The meat is canvassed in a prepared sweet saline solution, at times alluded to as sugar-relieved where dark colored sugar or molasses is added to the fix blend. 

Westphalian Ham 

Produced using pigs bolstered with oak seeds in the Westphalia woodland of Germany. It is restored and after that gradually smoked over a blend of beechwood and juniper woods, bringing about an exceptionally dim darker, thick ham with a light smoky flavor. It is viewed as truly outstanding and thusly is on the costly side. It's like Black Forest ham. 


This is the style utilized by business makers to deliver mass amounts, for the most part utilizing an infusion relieving technique. Otherwise called city hams. The meat is more affordable in light of the fact that the preparing is shorter and less confused. The final product is perpetually significantly blander in taste than nation style. 

Types of meat in the kitchen

Saturday, July 21, 2018


of 05

Colcannon - Irish Potatoes and Cabbage Recipe


Cordiality of Jolinda Hackett

Colcannon is a customary Irish side dish, and this form is both veggie lover and vegetarian. Make this formula for St. Patrick's Day, or any day that you are aching for a small taste of Ireland. Or then again, in the event that you incline toward, attempt this veggie lover Irish colcannon formula which utilizes kale rather than cabbage. Not as customary, but rather still delicious, and brimming with supplement rich kale greens.


of 05

Glad Irish Beer Bread Recipe

Irish lager bread

Candice Bell/Getty Images

We call this Irish formula "glad" since it calls for slightly under 12 oz of brew, which means you have to take a taste before utilizing. Watchful, only a taste! A veggie lover brew bread formula ideal for St. Patrick's Day!


of 05

Veggie lover "Meat" and Guinness Stew With Seitan

Seitan and brew stew

Flickr CC 2.0

Meat and Guinness stew, an Irish bar top pick, gets a veggie lover makeover in this vegan "hamburger" and brew stew formula, utilizing seitan rather than meat to assimilate all that rich hefty flavor. Yum! The kind of the brew is exceptionally solid in this formula, so I propose utilizing a large portion of the measure of Guinness and including an equivalent measure of vegetable soup in the event that you aren't a Guinness fan. In case you're keeping to an unadulterated veggie lover eat less carbs, take note of that Guinness is influenced utilizing some creature items in the refining to process, so it isn't in fact vegetarian.


of 05

Veggie lover Irish Coffee

Irish Coffee

Michael Paul/Getty Images

No Irish dinner would be finished without a touch of spirits, correct? With only a couple of basic fixings, this formula for a non-dairy veggie lover Irish espresso is the ideal end to your dinner, or the ideal begin to a vivacious night!


of 05

Irish Apple Mash Recipe

Crushed potato

Alan Richardson/Getty Images

In spite of the fact that the blend of apples and potatoes may appear to be odd at to begin with, this straightforward formula for apple crush is shockingly delightful and beyond any doubt to please. Add this simple to-get ready veggie lover and vegetarian dish to the menu for your meatless Irish or St. Patrick's day occasion.

Irish Vegetarian Foods

Much like the ground sirloin sandwich, it's difficult to know beyond any doubt who made America's first cheeseburger. Regardless of whether who ought to get the credit remains a secret, it can't be contended this is one dynamite sandwich, about as all-American as you can get. 

Designer Legends 

Numerous sustenance history specialists credit 16-year-old Lionel Sternberger, who in 1924 chose to slap a cut of American cheddar (what else?) onto a cooking burger at his dad's Pasadena, California, sandwich shop, the Rite Spot. He enjoyed it, thus did his father, and in this way the cheeseburger was conceived. Or then again would it say it was? They called it a "cheddar ground sirloin sandwich," so that may preclude the Sternbergers on a detail. 

The main sandwich to really be known as a "cheeseburger" was at Kaelin's eatery in Louisville, Kentucky. Charles Kaelin cases to have designed the cheddar topped burger in 1934 on the grounds that he needed, reports Louisville author Robin Garr, to "add another tang to the cheeseburger." This is the most punctual case of a menu guaranteeing to be "the origination of the cheeseburger." 

At that point there's Louis Ballast of Humpty Dumpty Drive in Denver, who trademarked the name "cheeseburger" in 1935. 

Current Variations 

Regardless of whether most Americans (with the exception of veggie lovers) share a tremendous love of cheeseburgers, they additionally are enthusiastic about the diverse ways they like them cooked and how they like them topped. 

To begin with, there's the singed and crushed patty. This kind of burger is basic in ground sirloin sandwich joints and coffee shops that began in the 1930s, conceivably not adventitiously a similar time the primary cheeseburger was designed, and in more up to date eateries that copy these cafes. Request these up as a solitary, twofold or triple. They are constantly cooked well-done. Include the cheddar (constantly American), selection of garnishes (lettuce, tomato, pickles, crude onions) and toppings (mustard, ketchup, mayonnaise). Basic and mind blowing, and the real deal. 

At that point there's the purported bar burger. These started to appear on menus quite a few years after the fact in the twentieth century and are thick, delicious and barbecued. You get your decision of doneness. You get your decision of cheddar: American, cheddar, Monterey Jack, Swiss, and even Gruyere, Gouda or blue in the event that you are in an upscale eatery. You can even have in excess of one kind of cheddar on a custom request. You can arrange the standard garnishes - lettuce, tomato, pickles and crude onions - for a work of art. Or then again you can include bacon, avocado, guacamole, sauteed onions, mushrooms or chilies. Finish this off with the exemplary topping you adore best - yet in the event that you are up for a touch of experience, bit on some grill sauce, chipotle mayo or Dijon mustard. 

In vogue gourmet burgers are dolled-up bar burgers with upscale buns and strange fixings of a wide assortment relying upon the eatery; they are a cook's creation. In any case, in the event that you have a jones for a cheeseburger, this truly won't fulfill. Off by a long shot. 


Presently, the cheeseburger is the headliner. In any case, similar to eggs require bacon, cheeseburgers require sides. Regardless of whether antiquated crushed or bar burger, the decisions are conventional: french fries, onion rings, potato plate of mixed greens, slaw. Cafes that serve crushed burgers pretty much constantly present milkshakes as a conventional must-have, and you'll regularly discover shakes are so critical they are up in lights as a feature of the name of these joints.

Have you eaten the burgers today ؟؟

Friday, July 20, 2018

Sanddabs, additionally spelled "sand touches," are a provincial delicacy on America's Pacific Coast. They are little fumbles that most cooks sear essentially in oil. This formula utilizes the old Spencer Method of broiler browning, which utilizes somewhat less fat—however it's no less caloric, as you'll be covering the fish in custom made mayonnaise before moving them in breadcrumbs. Serve this with a thick, summery plate of mixed greens of tomatoes, avocado, sweet corn and sweet onions for a delectable, easygoing feast for family or visitors. 

You don't need to make your own particular mayo; great quality locally acquired is extremely fine and dandy. Be that as it may, mayonnaise is anything but difficult to make and natively constructed tastes so much better, and it truly is justified regardless of the tad of additional time for a particularly flavorful feast. 

To serve, take the fish out, let them rest a moment or two, at that point organize maybe a couple on a plate with the brilliant dark colored side up. The breading won't be firm, however it will be exquisite and is expected to supplement the lean and damp sand touches. A rich white wine like a Roussanne or a rich Chardonnay is great with this, however so is an ale or pilsner brew. 

What You'll Need 

8-12 container dressed sand spots 

1 to 1/2 mugs breadcrumbs 

1 egg yolk 

2 teaspoon lemon juice 

1 teaspoon water 

1/2 teaspoon genuine salt 

3/4 container olive oil 

1 pound new tomatoes 

2 avocados 

1 ear sweet corn 

1/2 hacked Vidalia onion 

2 tablespoons hacked parsley 

Salt to taste 

Dark pepper to taste 

2 tablespoons olive oil 

Juice of 1 lemons 

The most effective method to Make It 


In a bowl, include the egg yolk, lemon juice, water, and legitimate salt and blend well with a wire whisk. 

Gradually include the olive oil while whisking irately. When you have any given measure of oil joined, you can rest somewhat, at that point keep including the rest of. 

Your mayo will be yellow and gentler than the white locally acquired form. It will likewise be more short-lived, so place it in the refrigerator for the present. 

Preheat your stove to 475 F. 

Plate of mixed greens 

Cut the tomatoes into substantial lumps, at that point do likewise with the avocado, and place them into a bowl. Cover with the lemon juice. 

Include the finely hacked sweet onion and the parsley, at that point include the sweet corn. Utilize a strong blade to cut the parts from the cob of corn; now and again it slices the cob down the middle first. 

Combine everything tenderly—don't crush the avocado—and include olive oil, salt, and dark pepper to taste. Cover with saran wrap and leave at room temperature. 

Stove Fried Sanddabs 

Take out the fish and the mayo and fill a shallow, wide bowl with the breadcrumbs. 

Brush or hand-rub mayo thickly onto the sanddabs, at that point, holding them by the tail, lay them each one in turn into the bowl of breadcrumbs. 

Lift the fish up by the tail again and flip the opposite side onto the breadcrumbs. Ensure they are very much secured. 

Delicately lay the fish with the dim skin looking up on a heatproof container, treat sheet, oiled thwart or whatever you plan to cook them in. A pastry specialist's silicone sheet over a treat plate works especially well. 

Cook in the broiler for 6-12 minutes until the point that the fish is a pleasant brilliant dark colored. Try not to flip.

Hot days salad with Sanddab in the oven

AMERICAN nourishment is more widely inclusive in scope than maybe it at any point was. In the most recent decade Americans have swung to new blends of cooking styles with enthusiasm much more catholic than the transient excitement for haute food that started in the 1950's with the jetage get-away hikes to remote parts. 

Enticed first by the great culinary customs, home cooks and burger joints out have managed the subtleties of nouvelle food, similarly as they have taken in the nuances of a variety of Oriental kitchens. We've gone during a time of digestion - acquiring from one food to improve another. Our blossoming gastronomic position has worked little ponders using the new kitchen innovation and the express interest for forte sustenances also. What's more, in any event as noteworthy is the developing emphasis on supreme freshness of fixings. 

As a rule in 1981 individuals would discuss freshness when the subject was sustenance (and individuals discuss nourishment today as they once tattled about Hollywood stars). There might be just a relative rare sorts of people who would now be able to gloat of their own homegrown garden-new vegetables, however ''green markets'' are everywhere in warm climate. 

We not just search for new fixings unsmothered by plastic yet additionally have been acquainted in late seasons with ''new'' vegetables like arugula, coriander, purple broccoli and kohlrabi. Some green market customers have been astounded to find that the sprouts named brussels develop on bunched stalks, similarly as they are dumbfounded by servings of mixed greens complemented by sprouts of hay, wheat germ or mung beans. This mindfulness and the crave crisp fixings have changed culinary style. Ten years a go there appeared to be few cooks prepared to manage this truck-fa rm plenitude, yet the expansion in selection of fixings is just piece of the change. The new demeanor toward nourishment owes at any rate as much to the ongoing accessibility of kitchen hardware that makes great co oks more talented than nonprofessionals of the past. 

Keep perusing the fundamental story 


Keep perusing the fundamental story 

The systems evoked by the kitchen nourishment processor are relatively progressive. It makes it sufficiently straightforward for a kitchen youngster to deliver such spring-green manifestations as a ham and watercress mousse. Its ability to assume control such errands as vegetable cutting, destroying and cleaving implies that planning great dinners doesn't need to be boringly tedious all things considered. 

As a companion once said to me, the sustenance processor gives the cook an additional match of hands. It's a secure to evoke in just a moment a green mayonnaise that needs no preserv-atives as store items do. Furthermore, numerous kitchens today are outfitted too with uncompromising electric blenders that remove the work from mixing player, whipping cream, transforming egg whites into pinnacles of foam, or plying batter for natively constructed bread. In this innovative world the kitchen is no special case. 

Be that as it may, new cooks likewise welcome new customary gear that has had no part in the American past. The raised bottomed skillet that is known as a wok and is essential to the Oriental method of mix broiling is a conspicuous case. In the wake of the developing energy for Chinese local foods (Sichuan and Hunan eateries have turned out to be regular everywhere throughout the nation) the wok is presently sold in neighborhood handyman shops; as are apparatuses and kitchen instruments planned particularly for Japanese, Indian, Middle-Eastern and different kinds of cooking once thought fascinating. 

The way Americans eat now might be to a great extent the consequence of what French culinary specialists call their ''batterie de food.'' The hand-wrenched noodle producers - which lifted much home cooking out of macaroni-andcheese, spaghetti-and-meatball doldrums - have quite recently as of late been supplanted by smooth electric pasta-creators turning out delicate strips in a few vegetable hues. 

The overall affinity for cultivate deliver, underscored in the ubiquity of Chinese mix broiled vegetables, is similarly responsible for the current popularity of pasta tidy avera, a dish that shuns meat sauce for a trimming vibr insect with hacked carrotsand early peas. 

It's a glad cook who reports that the fettucini is custom made and the sauce crisp and the parmesan ground in the kitchen. (In addition, the facts may confirm that the same number of pasta-creators and home pounding machines were exhibited as presents this Christmas as were scraping dishes and waffle presses a couple of decades back.) 

It was a gathering of such pleased cooks who performed at our home on Christmas Day. In the soul of the occasion, everybody had a claim to fame. The day preceding, my significant other's mom had looked out new cranberries so she could take after extremely old Vermont ''receipt'' that called for cooking the entire organic product until the point when it was tart and just marginally solidified. 

On the occasion morning, everyone shucked clams keeping in mind the end goal to have them faultlessly new and full in the turkey stuffing. My better half mixed a puree of fragrant parsnips with bread batter and set a trayful of golf-ball-sized moves to prepare. A cousin arrived late, conveying a major bowlful of creamed onions and apologized in light of the fact that it had taken so long to skin her small white pearls. 

With such commitments, the conventional menu civilities were being watched. Be that as it may, our little girl Bronwyn, as savvy in her own particular contemporary routes as the others, carried with her from Connecticut the fillip that set this devour apart. She had conjured up a pate of escargots bourguignons that was highlighted gently - and bafflingly to most testers - with pesto a la Genovese. It was delicious to the point that not an individual from any of the ages turned it down. 

In regular terms the nation over, a more pointed move in innate traditions started with this new craving for sustenance for the most part recognized by softness. A considerable measure of Americans, as of now picking enticingly spiced vegetable dishes, Oriental seasonings to liven up tasteless fish and a conclusion to overwhelming sauces for meats, were prepared and holding up a couple of years back when the ''nouvelle cooking'' touched base from France. 

The individuals who ate at brilliant eateries appeared to be inspired by the huge nice looking plates with sly courses of action of julienned vegetables, purees or unordinary natural products; numerous were convinced by nourishment pages of daily papers and magazines that asked them to attempt ''nouvelle'' at home. 

Much disarray took after. The most discussed change in high-style eating since Escoffier was now and then compared - in a nation as dietconscious as the United States - with ''cooking minceur,'' an equation for arranging menus that decrease the quantity of calories in a feast as pleasingly formed as a talented gourmet expert can make it. 

Notwithstanding, usually, nouvelle cooking is an idea that has a tendency to urge the world class to look for the exo tic. Such extravagances as quail eggs , new truffles in plates of mixed greens and wild mushrooms (all transported in) can be as enticing to cooks with taught palates similar to the wines of California and other vineyard locales. Nouvelle cooking symbolizes th e steady look for greatness in all periods of life, achieving beyo nd the domain of nourishment. 

In any case, in this nation the all the more multiplying inheritance of nouvelle cooking is its accentuation on enriching servings of once-dismissed indigenous American sustenances in new mixes. Its impact has brought a conclusion to such party as hamburger Wellington, an absolute necessity in the repertory of a wealthy entertainer from the get-go in the decade, and it has tested every single beginner cook to take in the craft of the light and handy touch - getting ready nourishment so skillfully that the final product is an alluring arrangement rather than an overstuffed plate of steak and potatoes. 

To refer to a significantly more fundamental commitment to any splendid supper, the bread you eat this evening might be custom made. In this decade Americans might be said to have figured out how to taste and enjoy the bread they eat - and the outcome has been a race to ace the plain procedures and an interest for stone-ground flours that are regularly processed in kitchen processors. 

Today everyone appears to find out about sustenance than they did in the 70's. Alongside the kitchen hardware that makes it sufficiently straightforward to serve the most ideal frozen yogurt, or to offer sorbets made from crisp natural products, the normal kitchen is well-suited to have two cooks. 

Shared cooking obligations have moved toward becoming essentially a piece of the marriage contract. Men progressively have a tendency to command the classes of the a great many cooking schools that the nation over increment in number each year. The simple art of cooking admirably has been hoisted to the status of a regarded calling for youthful Americans of both genders who acquire their livings doing what they adore most - or be experts in their home kitchens as opposed to being Sunday painters.

American Food Technology Vegetables

God willing, everyone will be healthy and well

Today I will meet you with an Iraqi dish, which is free of fat
According to this eucalyptus is found in large areas of central and southern Iraq

The dish is easy to prepare and simple to take advantage of


Hard bean. Quantity by number of people
Oil or butter for frying onions

The way
After boiling the water and salt well
Remove the rest of the water from the boiling water and leave the water in the pot
Add the news after it is cut into small pieces of water boiling water and put the pot on a quiet fire and stir with a large spoon to soak the bread evenly

Then add the previously raised to the pot and mix the tea with the bread to spread well on the bread

Then, raise the bread and the bagels with a large spoon and place them in the serving bowl

Then we use a medium onion, chopped and possible to use more onions on the basis of the desire we are covered with butter, let's call it Iraq free fat
Then add the red-colored onions with the oil to the dish's face
Then we shall bake two eggs and place them on the face of the dish as well

It can be made with pickles and terracotta

It is also possible to decorate the dish with slices of lemon and possible to add drops of vinegar to the dish and give a good taste

With free fat Hard bean "bakilaa bildhin alhuor"

Thursday, July 12, 2018

Eating an Iraqi may be a meal for the poor but beloved by the poor and the rich alike .... Often eaten for breakfast or dinner sometimes ... consist mainly of bread Altnur Yays ... means the remains of bread ... Break the

dry bread and cook with onions and a little Water, oil and preferably municipal ghee (free fat) and put a few spices.
It is possible to prepare the burnt meal of the remaining seven pieces of bread and a quantity of soup, which can be prepared of tomato soup, onion, minced and a few spices and salt and then add the residue of bread and after a little mixing can be prepared these dishes and provided hot

"Burned a finger" Eating the poor in Iraq "Mahrok Esebaa"

Sunday, July 8, 2018

1/2 kilo eggplant
1/2 kilo onion rings
1/2 kilo of tomatoes cut rings also
One cold pepper, green or red, finely chopped or in the form of sticksKubba Berghul according to the number of family members sauce

Watch the video

2 tbsp tomato sauce + acid, black pepper, red pepper paste, 2 cups water, salt Method:
Fry the kebbe with oil, as well as the other vegetables. Each group on a separate side, a glassy peppers. Flat with a little oil and put the cup first, then the eggplant rings, then the onion, then the tomatoes and then the cold pepper.
Mix the sauce with each other and put the sauce over the layers of kebbe, eggplant and pepper, enter the Pyrex oven at a moderate temperature, but dry the sauce and leave a little and enter for a quarter of an hour and then served with white rice

Preparation method "tabsi Eggplant"

Friday, July 6, 2018

Iraqi kebab is a recipe for kebabs of Iraqi best recipes and kebabs at all and recipes that do not require a lot of amounts and materials to prepare them, but the preparation of easy and fast and find most of the components of kebabs in the kitchen without the need to increase costs.
 The Iraqi kebabs are a kilo of sheep meat mixed with an ounce of fat, and if you do not want to use lamb meat, you can use the meat of the calf or the meat of the Capricorn, and the most important thing is fat, because it works on the consistency of the meat on the skewers. One medium sized onion. Salt spray. Black pepper sprinkle. You can add a few chopped green peppers and finely chopped fresh parsley as desired.
 Three tablespoons of squash or shark. How to prepare the Iraqi kebabs We brush the onion with a soft brush then put it in a strainer so that the amount of water in it is completely eliminated because when the water in the kebab causes it not to be installed in the skewers. Add chopped onion to the amount of meat and add salt, black pepper and strawberries can be added parsley and green pepper at this stage if you want to add them and knead the mixture well to mix and homogenize all the ingredients with each other. The meat mixture should be placed in the refrigerator for an hour or more so that the meat can be savored and to hold the meat well when placed in the special dishes.
 After leaving the meat relaxes we can put it in the meat skewers and be sure at this stage of dry meat skewers so as not to drop the meat when placed on it after making sure that the meat is placed and distributed consistently on the skewers and must put a bowl of water to wet our hands When you put the meat on the skewers so that the flesh does not stick to the hands, it also helps to get a beautiful shape for the kebabs. After placing the meat in the skewers, place it on the coal stove,
 which has been ignited earlier and leave the meat on the charcoal until it browns both sides well and then served hot. If the coal can not be found and the time is short, the meat can be placed in wooden skewers that have been pre-placed in the water for half an hour and then placed on the electric grill until it turns brown on all sides.

How to prepare Iraqi meat kebab

Thursday, July 5, 2018
Contents 1 Dumplings 
1.1 Ingredients 1.2 Components of the diameter 1.3 Method of preparing the diameter 1.4 To prepare the dumplings Dumplings of authentic Iraqi sweets, which the people used to a large extent and is one of the most famous sweets in Iraq, and then spread to reach Egypt And then Sudan, Palestine and the rest of the Arab countries,
 but in each country bears a different name that people and peoples have come across according to the cultures and what this category of sweets suggests. Dumplings are considered to be one of the most popular sweets of Ramadan, as they are considered the Ramadan sweets of Iraq. 
They are popular with everyone and are a requirement for a lot of food. Ingredients Cup of soft flour (flour) Half a cup of corn starch. Three tablespoons of yeast. Three tablespoons of sugar. Warm water for dough. Qatar cool (vegetable) vegetable oil for frying. The components of the diameter are two cups of sugar. Two glasses of water. Spoon of natural lemon juice. How to prepare the water We put the water and sugar pot on the fire and leave it on fire until the sugar dissolves, then add natural lemon juice and leave it on fire for ten minutes.
 Let it cool down. To prepare the dumplings, prepare a bowl for kneading and add warm water, sugar and yeast and mix them together. Then add the flour and starch gradually until we have the liquid dough. Let it ferment for a whole day or even note that its size doubled. Put the mixture in a teapot. Put the pot of oil on the fire to fry and leave it to heat well and must be abundant. Pour the mixture out of the jug of the jug in the form of overlapping circles,
 leaving it in the oil until it rises and turns red and becomes a blond color. Then put it cold diameter and submerge it well, then get out of the country after that and halves the net or put it on the butter paper. Apply with apostasy and can be decorated with a little soft sugar before serving

How to prepare a dish "Zlabia"

Wednesday, July 4, 2018

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